Water Scarcity Solution

Humanity is facing an ever-worsening water scarcity crisis with hundreds of millions of people lacking access to clean water and millions of lives cut short due to waterborne illnesses each year.   Less than .03% of all water on Earth is drinkable, and we’re poisoning our rivers and aquifers at an alarming rate.

Water, water everywhere, ‘nor a drop to drink.

Water vapor in the atmosphere behaves as a greenhouse gas, and it’s controlled by atmospheric temperature – the higher the temperature, the more water the air can hold. Even a modest amount of warming sets up a feedback loop and amplification process: CO2 and CH4 emissions trap the sun’s thermal energy in the atmosphere, which leads to higher humidity via groundwater and seawater evaporation. Mother Nature attempts to regulate the water cycle by spawning more severe storms, which creates perennial droughts and crop failure in some areas and more frequent floods in others.

This ecocidal cycle of emitting GHGs, depleting aquifers and destroying our waterways & coastlines is clearly unsustainable, and Cascadia Technologies is dedicated to mitigating this impact and reverse these trends.  We are all swimming in the largest potable water aquifer on Earth (humidity), and atmospheric water vapor is part of the problem.

Click Here for Real Time Atmospheric Humidity Levels Around the World

After many years of dedicated research and development, innovators have mastered the art and science of efficiently harvesting this resource, and today systems are being deployed to produce potable water wherever needed, without transport cost and without the ecological impact of desalination.

Up to 350 liters of pure water per day

Less than 50 Watt-hours per liter of pure water

Less than $0.01 per liter of pure water, with zero transport cost

120,000+ plastic water bottles eliminated from landfill annually

Freshwater scarcity is becoming a threat to sustainable development of human society. In its most recent annual risk report, the World Economic Forum lists water crises as the largest global risk in terms of potential impact.
According to NASA, the most severe Earth science and environmental policy issues threatening civilization are the changes in the Earth’s water cycle due to climate change.